Please click here to submit your form before your next appointment
For Your Protection
- All employees are screened daily.
- New equipment and protocols will help minimize or eliminate cross-contamination.
- We decontaminate all surfaces, cabinets, and door handles.
- As always, all staff attire including gowns are new for every patient.
- As always, all PPE and other safety helmets are new or properly disinfected for every patient.
- We have employed AIR PURIFIERS with HEPA filters to filtrate the air to small virus particle sizes so the air is clean.
- We have employed an AEROSOL CAPTURING DEVICE that captures all aerosols created during treatment from the air into the machine.
If there is anything you would like to suggest in what can be done for you protection, please let us know by emailing at
Your Responsibilities
- Patients are required to complete the online pre-exam registration form ahead of their visit to minimize time spent in the office.
- Effective May 18, 2020, in adherence to CDC and ADA guidelines, we have incorporated changes to our infection control measures for the protection of you and our staff. Due to the increases in costs of PPE and additional safety measures taken, a $15 COVID-19 FEE will be charged for all visits.
- We ask that you will not congregate in the waiting areas and social distancing is required throughout our office.
- Patients may not bring additional persons into the office with them with the exception of legal guardians for minors and persons with disabilities and caretakers. We ask that you do not bring additional persons.
- We ask that you bring and wear your own masks that covers your nose and mouth. You are required to wear it the entire time you are in our offices.
- Please sanitize your hands immediately upon entry into our offices.
- The number of appointments available each day have been reduced to limit the number of people entering the office. In addition, we have a maximum capacity of 2 patients in the office at a time.
- Appointment times will be managed to allow for social distancing between patients. That might mean that you’re offered fewer options for scheduling your appointment.
- You will be placed into a clean exam room as quickly as possible upon your arrival.
- We will take your temperature upon entry and ask that you reschedule your appointment if you have a temperature of 99.6 or over.
- Check out at the front desk with your calendar ready to schedule any necessary return visits. Your return visit may also be scheduled by phone or online.
- Continuing to avoid hugs, handshakes and other forms of direct contact with team members, providers and other patients.
- Magazine, brochures, product samples, snacks and coffee/refreshment stations have been removed from our offices for your safety.
- If you present with any fever, cough, chills, muscle pain, loss of taste/smell, cold, flu or respiratory illness symptoms or have been in contact with a person that was or is experiencing these symptoms within 14 days following your visit to our offices we ask that you contact our offices and request to speak to Management to provide full details. We ask that you report this information for the safety of our team members, providers and other patients.
Your feedback helps us provide exceptional service. If you have comments, suggestions, concerns, or other questions we want you to communicate with us, we are here for you and we value what you have to say. Please email us at and write “Feedback” in the subject line. Please provide your contact information if you’d like us to follow up with you or if you prefer to remain anonymous that’s fine too.
Our Staff and Team Members are grateful that you are safe and healthy. We’ll do all we can to participate in maintaining your good health including regular updates to our protocols for patient safety. We are here for you and will continue to communicate all updates with you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us for any reason.
With all our best,
NoHo Smile Center Team